A bit of an update

Hey guys, I thought I’d do a bit of an update as posts may be a bit off schedule the next couple of weeks. Two weeks ago I had an operation to remove a big cyst and so these past two weeks posts have been scheduled and I hoped to be better by now so I could do my posts like I was before. Sorry if I’ve taken a while to reply to comments and I know I am way behind on reading blog posts but my concentration is getting better again. I think it’s more my ME knock on effect rather than the operation that’s getting in the way now as I was feeling so much better a couple of days after the operation than I have for years so hopefully this means I’ll actually have more energy and be able to spend more time on the blog. I might even get back to the five posts a week and more of a schedule for the different types of posts with five a week like I did the beginning of last year. That’s the goal anyway.

On the plus side I’ve had to relax and not do anything much and the weather has been nice so I have been catching up on my reading and the list of to read books outside. Though I highly doubt I’ll actually manage a book a week and have read 52 by the end of the year, maybe I should stop setting it as a goal but I do want o read more and it’s one way of doing that for me.

It has also taught me that I can actually do more scheduled posts, I’m just never organised to do this and forget after a few weeks but I’ll try to get into the habit more. I always used to worry that if I did them too​ far in advance they’d get out of date or I’d have new things arrive and mess the schedules up.

Also I do have some ideas for more health related posts but not sure how many people would be interested in them. I just is I’ve answered questions in the past about geberal anaesthetic and ME so might post about that as I’ve had a couple of experiences that were very different and I know before the surgery I was searching for information on the internet about things I’d need to take and remember so might do posts on that. I don’t know. Would any of you guys enjoy interested in those sorts of posts? I feel like I haven’t done many ME and health related posts recently.

Anyway, this isn’t much of a post but I wanted to do a bit of an update and explain why if I don’t post for a bit. Hope you’re all well and that the weather’s good wherever you are. Our early summer seems to have disappeared again here in the UK.