Blogmas 2019, Days 16-20: The Last Minute Christmas Panic has Started!

Oops, that should be 20 not 21!

I guess most people do this, but I started this years Christmas preparations feeling very organised. I knew what I was getting people, I even started ordering things in September, but somehow I was still Christmas shopping today! How does this always happen? Next year I’m starting in June!

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Blogmas 2019, Days 12 – 15

I hate being ill, I know everyone says that and it’s probably pointless saying it, but it always seems to happen when there are fun things happening. I’m used to having to cancel because f various health issues, but for some reason when it’s a virus or something that’s going round I find it more annoying. It seems like this year there’s even more going round than normal.

Anyway, basically I’ve spent the past week on antibiotics feeling sorry for myself so the past few days have been trying to watch Christmassy movies and listen to songs and get back into the Christmas spirit. It’s kind of working, definitely going to be trying to watch at least one Christmas movie a day in the lead up to Christmas as I have so many on my to watch list. Do you guys have any favourites you watch every year? Any less well known ones you love and would recommend? I love finding new holiday movies to watch.

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Blogmas 2019, Days 8-11: Where is December Going?

How is it already over a week into December? It feels like everything is happening at once and the last minute panic for the presents I haven’t got yet is kicking in. I felt so organised this year as well. Probably doesn’t help that I’m ill and all the family gatherings seem to be happening now so I’m sort of only half there all the time. I’m hoping the antibiotics kick in before this weekend for the big family meal as we don’t get to see each other very often.

I love family get togethers, or catching up with friends, seeing people you don’t see for most of the year and catching up with their lives. The best ones are when it doesn’t feel like a year ago you last talked. Though it feels like there’s less family get together as I get older, I guess that happens naturally anyway as everyone starts their own families and new traditions, but it does feel weird sometimes. Do you guys have family meals and meet ups this time of year, or catching up with friends you hardly ever see?

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Blogmas 2019 Days 5-7: Christmas Markets

I haven’t really been to many Christmas markets, probably only two before this one, but there was a Christmas market fair turning on the lights thing today in the local town so we went and had a wander round. I did end up buying some food, everything always looks so good I could ave bought way more, and I kind of wish I’d bought some of the tombola tickets, but it a definitely worth a wander round for an hour or so.

Do any of you go to Christmas fairs or markets? I tend to find with bigger ones you have so many stalls with exactly the same things being sold but this one was local companies, mainly food, with a few handmade crafts and drink stalls. Wasn’t the most Christmassy weather to wander round in but it was fun and getting there early, quite a bit before thee lights were turned on, was a good idea. Will definitely be going back next year if we’re around and they do it.

Continue reading “Blogmas 2019 Days 5-7: Christmas Markets”

Blogmas 2019 Day 4:

Had a meeting today and realised it’s only three weeks until Christmas. I mean, I knew it would be soon because it’s December but at the same time it feels like it shouldn’t be that soon. Does anyone else feel like that? I’m not sure I’m that organised this year, I haven’t decorated completely, haven’t got my Christmas card list written and haven’t bought any Christmas presents for a while. It all started so well too. Oh well, looks like it’ll be panic buying at the last minute again.

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Blogmas 2019 Day 3: My DIY Flocked Tree

I mentioned this yesterday but I wanted to post a photo and I was wondering if anyone has done the whole DIY flocked tree with fake snow thing? I would say it was a success, except for the amount I thought I needed, but know it takes longer than I expect to dry. Last night it was still wet and wiped off easily, today it’s all crumbly and only comes off in pieces. Have any of you tried this? Is there a knack to it or is it just spray it on and leave it?

Continue reading “Blogmas 2019 Day 3: My DIY Flocked Tree”

Blogmas 2019 Day 2: Themed Christmas Trees?

I have never done the themed tree look, unless uncoordinated mess of colour is a theme. But I’ve been seeing so many youtubers do them and loving the look of the Scandinavian style that I decided to give it a go. One step I maybe should have avoided was trying to use spray on snow as DIY flocking. I’d seen a few others do it and it looked good, I just didn’t realise how much would be needed for a 3 foot tree! I was wondering how many of you guys do themed trees? And if you do what themes do you go for? I have to say I’m loving the farmhouse theme with the buffalo check and red truck that’s everywhere in America, I may have light some cheap cushion covers with that style for my desk chair.

It’s the second day of advent and it’s definitely still feeling like Christmas morning when it comes to opening six surprises each morning though I’m not sure I’d get this many again! It’s fun but storing them is a lot harder!

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Blogmas 2019 Day 1: All the Advent Calemdars

How is it already December? I’m not sure where 2019 has gone, doesn’t feel that long ago I was doing Blogmas last year! Anyway, I’m going to give it another go and try to post daily, or almost daily as I’m probably going to catch up with my days after I’ve been away rather than opening the days early like in the past, it never seemed to work that well.

I may have gone a bit overboard when it comes to advent calendars this year. The most I’ve had in the past was three, this year I have six! Only one will really have a review each day as the others I think are exclusive to the advent calendars, but they are still available. I have a feeling a couple of them will be for some time so if half way through you like what you see it might be worth picking them up on sale, they’re already reduced!

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Another Christmas Home Haul: A Bit of Everything

The title image for the post. It says Christmas Everything and there's a photo of all the Christmas decorations lying on the bed

I have never had a proper theme when it comes to Christmas decorations, it tends to be throw all the colours at the tree and see how it looks. This year, however, I decided to have a bit of an overhaul and give a themed look a go. It won’t be for everything, just the main tree and bits around it, but having seen all the natural wooden and white looks out there I thought I’d give it a go. Considering my decorations mainly looks like a metallic rainbow this meant a bit of a shopping spree.

This post is probably more hauls than haul, I may have got a bit carried away and bought from a few places. It’s a mix of The Range, Ikea, Disney Store and eBay.

Continue reading “Another Christmas Home Haul: A Bit of Everything”

Review: Smashbox Shooting Star Gift Set

Smashbox Shooting Star set title image. Behind the text box is a photo of the three palettes on a wooden surface

Until this time last year I hadn’t tried anything Smashbox, their Christmas gift sets are a great way to try things for yourself as the price is so good compared to their permanent range. The Covershot palettes are £24 normally, this set of three is £42, or £35.70 in the sale at the moment. In the Smashbox Shooting Star Gift Set is a limited edition eyeshadow palette called Supernova, Minimilast which is a permanent one, and a small face palette with a highlighter, blush and matte bronzer.

As with all Covershot palettes these are small, they’re a great travel sized palette or to throw in your bag, so for the price they are still expensive and it seems they can be a bit hit or miss when it comes to pigmentation, I tend to do research before getting them but as this only has one permanent product in there I risked it.

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