M.E., Myself and I: Sometimes You Just Have to Give In

Image from Honey Mellow Handmade so copyright to them, found on Google. I quite like this sign, I’ll link it at the bottom of the post, I’m tempted to get one!

That title sounds a bit depressing doesn’t it? I think it’s something that we’re taught from when we’re little, or maybe it’s a cultural thing, but we tend to keep going beyond when we should, push too far and not really know how to listen to our own bodies when they’re giving us the warning signs. I’m mainly writing this from a spoonie point of view but I think it’s something that people without a chronic illness need to learn, or remember, so this post is a bit of a friendly reminder as sometimes it takes someone else saying something for you to really acknowledge it. At least it took someone saying it to me for me to stop feeling guilty about it.

As spoonies, people with a chronic illness, we tend to be forced to learn this lesson. A lot of us either don’t realise what we have or don’t get an official diagnosis until we’ve got to the point where we’re stuck in bed all the time. This means we often have already done the pushing beyond what we should as we didn’t realise that we should have stopped days, weeks or months ago and rested rather than pushing on and trying to do what we had always done.
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